Splitarillos Cigars
Experience the true hustle with Splitarillo cigars, a rapidly growing trend in the cigar world. With a wide range of flavors such as Black Label, One Hundred, Cali Green, Fire, Loud, and OG Sweet, there is a Splitarillo cigar to suit every mood and preference.What sets Splitarillo cigars apart is not just their flavorful options, but also their affordability. Offering 30 cigars in 15 individual foil pouches with 2 cigars each for only $15.95, these cigars are a fantastic choice for those looking for a quality smoke at a budget-friendly price.
At Buitrago Cigars, we pride ourselves on offering the lowest prices on a wide selection of cigars, including popular brands like Splitarillo. Whether you're a cigar aficionado or a retailer looking to stock up on Splitarillo cigars, we have you covered.
Expand your smoking experience with Splitarillo cigars and indulge in the variety of flavors they offer. Contact us at (800) 974-8430 to place an order or learn more about our selection of Splitarillo cigars. Enhance your smoking experience and enjoy the true hustle with Splitarillo cigars today.