Southern Draw Cigars
Southern Draw Cigars offers a unique and diverse selection of premium cigars handcrafted by skilled artisans. The brand's dedication to quality is evident in the use of only the finest, naturally fermented, and aged tobacco in their blends. Each cigar is meticulously crafted, ensuring consistency and sustainability in every smoke.The Southern Draw Kudzu is a sophisticated and classic blend with elegant notes of cocoa, coffee, oak, and spice. For those seeking a strong yet complex cigar, the Firethorn offers a medium to full-bodied smoking experience with Nicaragua fillers and Ecuador/Habano Rosado Wrappers. The Jacobs Ladder is known for its flavorful combination of Nicaraguan fillers and Broadleaf wrapper, providing rich notes of espresso, spice, and cedar.
If you prefer a more subtle and savory smoke, the Cedrus offers a complex flavor profile that evolves with each draw, almost like enjoying a dessert. For a quick and convenient option, the Southern Draw Quickdraw is perfect for those short on time but still craving a premium smoking experience.
Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, Southern Draw Cigars has something to offer for every occasion. Explore their selection of finely crafted blends and experience the artistry and dedication that goes into every Southern Draw cigar.