Romeo Y Julieta Cigars 505 Nicaragua Robusto
General Cigar
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After the death of Don Pepin and the ensuing revolution, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba in 1960, and production moved to Altadis USA in the Dominican Republic where it remains today. The brand was separated, and Cuba still successfully produces the original version. However, the rich medium-bodied flavor of the sweet Dominican tobacco has established it as very popular cigar in America. The smooth, impeccable quality of Romeo y Julieta Cigars continues to distinguish it as one of the most celebrated names among cigar enthusiasts.
- Quantity: 20 Cigars
- Strength: Medium - Full
- Manufacturer: Romeo y Julieta Cigars
- Wrapper: habano Nicaragua
- Binder: Habano Nicaragua
- Filler: Dominican
- Made In Nicaragua
We are not the makers. We are an online cigar shop. We retail the products. If you have questions in regards to this product as to why it is dried or had some sort of defect please refer those questions to the manufacturer. We are just an online tobacco shop
All CBD are not returnable. All E-Cigarettes are not returnable. E-Cigarettes do not have any sort of warranty. E-Liquids cannot be return.
- Style:
- Cigar
- Brand:
- Romeo Y Julieta Cigars
- Flavor:
- Robusto
- Packaging:
- Wood Box
- Machine Made:
- Handmade Cigar
- Quantity:
- 20 Cigars