Romeo y Julieta 1875 Cigars
﷼165.67 - ﷼746.79
Romeo y Julieta cigars enjoy worldwide brand name recognition. These handmades boast dependable, consistent quality, which makes them some of the best-known and most in-demand cigars on the market. Generations of cigar enthusiasts have flocked to RyJ, and the company, which has roots in Cuba, has continued to reinvent itself. With options ranging from new and innovative to storied and traditional, there’s literally a Romeo y Julieta for every customer.
Shapes | Churchill, Cigarillos, Gordo, Lancero/Panatela, Petite Corona, Presidente, Robusto, Toro |
Wrapper | Cameroon, Indonesian |
Origin | Dominican Republic |
Flavored | False |
Pressed | False |
Has Tip | False |
Binder | Dominican |
Filler | Dominican |
Sweet | False |
We are not the makers. We are an online cigar shop. We retail the products. If you have questions in regards to this product as to why it is dried or had some sort of defect please refer those questions to the manufacturer. We are just an online tobacco shop.
All CBD are not returnable. All E-Cigarettes are not returnable. E-Cigarettes do not have any sort of warranty. E-Liquids cannot be return.
- Style:
- Cigars
- Brand:
- Romeo y Julieta
- Packaging:
- Pack/ Box
- Machine Made:
- Handmade
- Quantity:
- Varies