Richwood Filtered Cigars
Buitrago Cigars is proud to offer a diverse selection of Richwood Filtered Cigars, providing smokers with a high-quality option that won't break the bank. Perfect for those who enjoy the rich flavor of cigars but prefer the convenience and smoothness of filtered cigars, Richwood Filtered Cigars are a popular choice among our customers.Available in a variety of flavors including Wild Cherry, Vanilla, Strawberry, Peach, Grape, Menthol, Mild, and Original, there is a Richwood Filtered Cigar to suit every taste preference. Each carton contains 10 packs of 20 filtered cigars, making it easy to stock up on your favorites or try something new.
At Buitrago Cigars, we believe in offering our customers the best value, which is why we provide free shipping on orders over $199 and price matching to ensure you get the best deal possible. Our online cigar store is your one-stop-shop for all things cigars, including Richwood Filtered Cigars, cigarillos, little cigars, and smoking accessories.
Whether you're a seasoned cigar enthusiast or just starting out, Richwood Filtered Cigars are a great option for anyone looking for a quality smoke at an affordable price. Shop our selection today and see why Richwood Filtered Cigars are the best cigar for your buck!