My Father Cigars
The My Father Cigars category represents a legacy of quality and expertise in the world of premium cigars. Founded by master blender Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia, this brand has grown from a small Miami facility to a top-rated cigar producer based in Esteli, Nicaragua. With a focus on hand-rolled cigars made from carefully selected leaves and unique extracts, My Father Cigars are known for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship.The creation of My Father Cigars involves growing and harvesting tobacco on their own fields to ensure the highest quality raw materials. Each cigar is crafted using only the best-aged fillers and binders, resulting in a smoking experience that is truly unforgettable. With a commitment to excellence, this brand has earned a reputation for producing some of the finest cigars in the industry.
The My Father Cigars product lineup includes a variety of exclusive, series, and classic brands, each offering its own unique flavor profile and smoking experience. From the popular My Father Flor de Las Antillas to the award-winning My Father Le Bijou 1922, these cigars cater to every palate and preference. With options like robustos, toros, belicosos, and more, there is a My Father Cigar to suit every cigar lover's taste.
Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, My Father Cigars is a brand that is sure to impress. Experience the passion and expertise that goes into every cigar and discover why My Father Cigars is a name that stands for quality and innovation in the world of premium cigars.