The Montecristo White No.2 is a handmade cigar of Dominican origin, comes with a shade Ecuadorian Connecticut wrap, a Nicaraguan binder leaf and a mixture of Nicarguan and Dominican long-filler tobacco.
- Manufacturer: Altadis
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Ring: 52
- Shape: Belicoso
- Size: 6.12"
- Wrapper Color: Natural
Delight in the luxurious experience of smoking the Montecristo White No.2 Cigars Belicoso. Crafted by the renowned manufacturer Altadis in the Dominican Republic, this premium cigar is a true testament to quality and craftsmanship.
Measuring at 6.12 inches with a ring gauge of 52, the Montecristo White No.2 features an elegant Belicoso shape that enhances the overall smoking experience. The exquisite Ecuadorian Connecticut shade wrapper envelops a Nicaraguan binder leaf, creating a perfect harmony of flavors.
Inside, a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobacco awaits, promising a smooth and rich smoking experience with every draw. The wrapper's natural color adds to the sophistication of this cigar, making it a standout choice for aficionados who appreciate both quality and style.
Whether you are celebrating a special occasion or simply savoring a moment of relaxation, the Montecristo White No.2 Cigars Belicoso is the perfect companion. Indulge in the opulence of this handmade cigar and elevate your smoking experience to new heights. Experience the unmatched flavors and aromas that have made Montecristo a beloved choice among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.