Cohiba Cigars Connecticut Robusto 20 Ct. Box 5.50x50
The blend for this cigar is, in a word, impressive. Inside, a veritable feast of Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Olor, Dominican Piloto Cubana, and Nicaraguan Jalapa fillers dancing beneath a rich, flavorful Mexican San Andres binder. But let’s be honest, it’s the wrapper that caught your eye, and for good reason. This beautiful blonde leaf is from Ecuador’s Los Rios province, and grown beneath natural cloud cover yielding a beautiful golden color and almost imperceptible veins.
- Brand: Cohiba
- Line: Cohiba Connecticut
- Manufacturer: General Cigar
- Origin: Dominican Republic
- Ring: 50
- Shape: Robusto
- Size: 5.5"
- UOM: 20 Ct. Box
- Wrapper Color: Connecticut
We are not the makers. We are an online cigar shop. We retail the products. If you have questions in regards to this product as to why it is dried or had some sort of defect please refer those questions to the manufacturer. We are just an online tobacco shop.
All CBD are not returnable. All E-Cigarettes are not returnable. E-Cigarettes do not have any sort of warranty. E-Liquids cannot be return.
- Style:
- Cigars
- Brand:
- Cohiba Cigars
- Machine Made:
- Handmade
- Packaging:
- Cigar Box
- Quantity:
- 20 Cigars
- Size:
- 5.5" X 50