Posted by Martin Buitrago on Jan 27th 2022
CAO Cigars and their quest to conquer the Cigar World
CAO Cigars
Finding the best tobacco is every aficionado’s dream. Breaking boundaries and exploring uncharted places is CAO Cigars’s quest. This mission of looking for the finest tobacco across the globe is achieved.
CAO Cigars procured some of the rarest and finest leaves worldwide. From the mountains of Columbia down to the jungles of the Amazon. The volcanoes of Nicaragua and the valleys of the Dominican Republic.
CAO Cigars is dedicated to searching for the finest blend around the world. Breaking walls and boundaries paves the way to finding the best tobacco leaves. Since 1993, CAO Cigars are known producers of premium class tobacco.
Founded by Cano Ozneger, CAO Cigars became famous for its tobacco pipes. With ongoing developments, CAO Cigars produced tobacco products. It eventually made its first cigars which later on caught people’s attention.
The innovative variations of each cigar make CAO one of the best tobacco producers worldwide. This world-class brand creates a flavorful taste out of the world’s finest tobacco. Established in Nashville TN, this leading cigar company creates the best tobacco found in the outskirts of the world.
Quality control is key to CAO Cigars’ success. Producing the finest blend is CAO Cigars’ forte. Each roll is meticulously made to meet your palate’s taste. CAO Cigars is popular with people seeking the finest tobacco blends.
And without any doubt, CAO Cigars successfully reached its goal of serving you the best among the rest. Today, it continues to develop and enhance its products. CAO Cigars’ mission of finding the best blend is still in play, offering you a new taste of your convenience.
CAO Brazilia
A flavorful blend with a smooth, long finish makes CAO Brazilia a unique cigar. With 90 plus ratings, CAO Brazilia prides itself on the complexity of its tones. As such, these full-bodied cigars garnered honors like Best Buy.
Nicaraguan tobaccos are seasoned to perfection that creates a fine and rich taste. Its Brazilian wrapper makes an oily finish that thoroughly wraps the Nicaraguan fillings. A plethora of vivid colors is used to create an attractive wrap.
This fine note of Brazilian cigar makes a flavorful taste of wood, earth, pepper, and cedar. A puff of this cigar creates a large cloud of smoke that fills the air. CAO Brazilia is one of CAO’s finest crafts that offer different blends of full tobacco taste. Try its boldness from every puff you make.