Backwoods Cigars vs Frontier Cigars which is more flavorful

Posted by Martin Buitrago on Jan 11th 2022

Backwoods Cigars vs Frontier Cigars which is more flavorful

Backwoods Cigars vs Frontier Cigars

The fabled Backwoods Cigars runs a long history back in the 1980s. This cigar company proved its existence as one of the best cigar manufacturers worldwide. However, another Cigar manufacturer lies ahead that offers a unique smoking experience.

Frontier Cigars is ready to take whatever challenges await. The flavors of Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic tobacco make Frontier Cigars’ distinct taste. Let’s find out which of these master blenders hold the title to be the best.

Backwoods Cigars

Marching their beat since the ’80s, Backwoods Cigars prides on crafting a unique taste with different varieties. Its originality offers a distinct alternative to every craving. A taste that sits high up the palate gives you a lasting smoking experience.

With flavors of dark stout variation and a sweet, aromatic flavor, Backwoods Cigars is the best. The richness of each stick offers different tastes that stick in your mind. That sensation of always craving for more is the answer to satiate your needs.

The boldness of Backwoods Cigars created its signature tobacco products. This led to filling in the missing link for cigar aficionados worldwide. As such, Backwoods Cigars established a cornerstone in the tobacco industry.

Frontier Cigars

On the other hand, another cigar manufacturer established its name throughout the tobacco industry. Frontier Cigars continues to serve you a new kind of taste that unboxes the wonders of Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic taste. Pick your choice from varieties like Russian Cream, Honey Berry, Honey, and Sweet Aromatic.

These cigars come in 8 packs of 5 that cost $33.99. The distinct flavor from each kind of cigar is key to Frontier Cigars’ further development. Frontier Cigars’ fame is backed up using its aggressive promotions and superb price points.

Frontier Cigars are known for their continuous quest to develop new tastes. This paradigm method of tobacco processing is essential to create a contemporary, distinct taste.


Whether choosing Backwoods Cigars or Frontier Cigars, an aficionado never gets tired of searching for a new taste. Experience a unique level of smoking with each brand’s finest cigars. Either way, enjoying a stick leaves a lasting experience on your palate.

Is it Backwoods’ long history of cigar manufacturing or Frontier’s quest of making new blends? One can never tell. Choosing one over the other is an insult to the craft of making the finest blends. Try each brand and enjoy a lasting smoking experience.