Posted by Martin Buitrago on Jul 28th 2021
AJ Fernandez Cigars: All You Need to Know About Cigars
Way back before the discovery of the “New World,” the use of a cigar has been known among indigenous people in the Caribbean.
Europeans are yet to discover this unknown roll of herbs that are smoked in a dried leaf. Not until Columbus ordered his scouts to invade Cuba did the Europeans discover cigars.
Its popularity quickly spread around the world and captured the taste of many people. Today, many cigar companies have been making their patent brand.
AJ Fernandez Cigars
AJ Fernandez cigars is the primary cigar manufacturer in Nicaragua. Also known as “Tabacalera Fernandez,” the company is known to ship its cigars worldwide. Its patent brand as a leading cigar maker in Nicaragua made it popular around the world.
The company is currently run by the third-generation cigar maker Abdel J. Fernandez. Its variety of best-selling brands include Diesel, San Lotano, and Man O’War. Its wide range of varieties offers the best options for buyers.
Buitrago Cigars
Buitrago Cigars is a cigar company based in Florida. Its distinct variety of cigars that come in various flavors and sizes made it very popular. Its online accessibility makes transactions easier worldwide.
Just pick your interest and shop online. Buitrago Cigars will offer you the cheapest up to the most sophisticated classic cigars, all made of the highest quality. The company also offers its version of Zippo Lighters, a perfect match for your smoking experience.
Buitrago Cigars offer the best quality cigars of different brands worldwide. AJ Fernandez handmade cigars are available in Buitrago. Using its online website, Buitrago cigars will give you a variety of AJ Fernandez cigars.
Buitrago offers cigar manufacturers the avenue to sell their products worldwide. Making your choice for a distinct taste of the AJ Fernandez cigars is made possible with Buitrago.