Asylum Toro Cigars 25Ct. Box
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- Brand: Asylum
- Ring: 50
- Shape: Toro
- Origin: Honduras
- Size:6 "
- UOM: 25 Ct.Box
- Wrapper: Habano Nicaraguan
The Asylum Original is a handmade cigar made in Honduras, this cigar comes with a rich Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, which embraces Nicaraguan binders and fillers inside.
The Asylum Toro Cigars 25Ct. Box features the renowned craftsmanship of the Asylum brand, delivering a premium smoking experience for cigar enthusiasts. Handmade in Honduras, each cigar in this box is meticulously crafted to ensure top quality and consistency in every puff.
At a ring gauge of 50 and a lengthy 6" size, the Toro shape offers a balanced smoking experience that allows for ample flavor development and a satisfying draw. The Habano Nicaraguan wrapper used in these cigars adds a layer of complexity to the smoking profile, providing rich flavors and a smooth finish.
Originating from Honduras, the Asylum Original cigars showcase the expertise and dedication of the finest cigar makers in the industry. The blend of Nicaraguan binders and fillers inside each cigar creates a harmonious combination of flavors that will entice your palate with every smoke.
Whether you are a seasoned cigar enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, the Asylum Toro Cigars 25Ct. Box is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality smoking experience. Indulge in the luxury of these handcrafted cigars and savor the unique flavors and aromas that make Asylum Original a beloved choice among cigar connoisseurs.
We are not the makers. We are an online cigar shop. We retail the products. If you have questions in regards to this product as to why it is dried or had some sort of defect please refer those questions to the manufacturer. We are just an online tobacco shop.
All CBD are not returnable. All E-Cigarettes are not returnable. E-Cigarettes do not have any sort of warranty. E-Liquids cannot be return.
- Style:
- Cigars
- Brand:
- Asylum Cigars
- Packaging:
- Cigar Box
- Machine Made:
- Handmade
- Quantity:
- 25 Cigars
- Size:
- 6" X 50