5 Vegas Cigars
Experience the craftsmanship and medium strength of 5 Vegas Cigars, created with Nicaraguan tobacco by master maker Nestor Plasencia Sr. These well-priced cigars feature silky Sumatra wrappers that give them a luxurious appearance and a smooth, oily texture.With a rich taste derived from Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, 5 Vegas Cigars offer a pungent, earthy aroma and a clean, consistent flavor profile. Each stick burns evenly, providing a creamy, chocolatey taste and a thick, smooth smoke that allows you to savor every moment of your smoking experience.
As you enjoy the boldness of 5 Vegas Cigars, you can appreciate the history and evolution of these revolutionary cigars, which have become a fine, luxurious icon from Central America. Whether you choose the Torpedo, Robusto, Churchill, or any other size, you can expect a slow burn that lasts up to an hour without compromising the flavor.
Available in various sampler packs and box sizes, 5 Vegas Cigars cater to every enthusiast's preference. From the Classic collection to the Gold series, each cigar is meticulously crafted to deliver a consistently satisfying smoking experience. Discover the world of 5 Vegas Cigars and indulge in the rich flavors and luxurious aromas that make them a favorite among cigar aficionados.