1502 Cigars
1502 Cigars is a renowned brand that offers cigar enthusiasts a selection of premium Nicaraguan cigars. Each cigar is crafted with precision and attention to detail, from the selection of tobacco leaves to the aging and curing process. The result is a range of cigars that exude the rich and authentic flavors of Nicaragua, providing a truly unforgettable smoking experience.The 1502 Emerald Cigar is designed to provide a smooth and robust smoking experience, with carefully aged tobacco leaves coming together to create a blend that is both fine and strong. On the other hand, the 1502 Ruby cigar is perfect for the discerning smoker who appreciates a premium cigar, boasting all the aroma and flavors that Nicaragua has to offer, wrapped in an elegant dark wrapper from Ecuador.
For those who prefer a bold and intense smoking experience, the 1502 Black Gold cigar is the ideal choice. Made with long-filler and double binder from Nicaragua, this cigar is crafted to satisfy the cravings of smokers who enjoy strong and flavorful cigars.
With a range of products such as the Emerald Conquistador, Black Gold Toro Boxed Pressed, and Ruby Corona, among others, the 1502 Cigars category offers a variety of options for every type of cigar aficionado. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, 1502 Cigars promises a top-quality selection that is sure to impress.